Innovator of dynamic children's ministry
Mentor to children's ministry leaders
Advisor to architects, designers, builders

Children's Ministry Solutions

Children's Ministry Solutions
Successful leaders say they owe their effectiveness to those mentors who had a pivotal impact on them. Whether you are a seasoned veteran, or a rookie just starting, you will benefit from Art Murphy's expertise, insight, creativity, encouragement, and honesty. Customized to your needs, goals, and challenges, you will personally benefit from Art's years of KidMin leadership experience. What are some of the results you will experience?
You will be strengthened, challenged, and encouraged.
You will grow as a leader and a person.
You will transition from being "busy" to being "effective" as a leader.
You will solve unique challenges that you face.
You will laugh.
You can cry, if you wish.
You will have a safe, non-threatening environment to discuss issues.
You can avoid the mistakes of others.
You will learn how to recruit ALL the volunteers that you need.
You will receive more training than offered at other events.
You will save money on travel to training sites.
You can fit the training into your personal calendar.
You can invite fellow staff or volunteers to join sessions.
Comments from recent participants
"Thank you for training me and being a mentor to me. You have taught me to be organized and how to think ahead. You provided me with valuable advice accumulated from your years of personal experience. You helped me realize that being in the ministry is not for the faint of heart...it takes physical and mental discipline. As a result of your investment in my life, you have brought positive change and new life to our ministry to children and families. May God continue to bless and use you in the lives of KidMin leaders."
"Thank you again for helping me. This week a situation came up and I dug out my notes from my mentorship with you. Those notes helped me focus on the issue and how to resolve it, or at least make it through it. I just wanted you to know that you are still teaching me and sowing into my life. Thanks for all you do and for helping me become who God wants me to be."
"The mentoring that Art Murphy has provided has been challenging, inspiring, and helpful. Unlike many other mentoring programs, Art provided a unique personal investment in a one-on-one setting in which he was able to give insight into my specific needs. Being new to the world of Children's Ministry, Art guided and advised me within weeks that may have otherwise taken years to discover on my own. I am thankful the Lord has so greatly used the talents and wisdom of Art to train others and ultimately build the Kingdom of God."
"When I first felt the call to step into the position of Children’s Ministry Coordinator...I felt unqualified and inexperienced. Once I finally surrendered to accepting that call, my pastor put me in touch with Art Murphy to begin a mentorship program so I could be effective in this position. Even though I would call him a children’s ministry “expert,” Art was not intimidating or pushy. Instead, he helped boost my confidence and identify my own strengths and skills. His approach as a mentor has been so encouraging to me, not only in my growth as a leader, but also in my personal growth in the Lord. Art helped me identify areas in our ministry that needed improvement and helped me create a plan of action with fresh ideas that I am sure I would not have thought of on my own. Throughout this process, thanks to Art, I haven't felt overwhelmed or overbooked with my responsibilities. He has calmly and patiently walked me through each step of the changes we are making within our church’s children’s ministry program. He truly is a gold-mine of information, ideas, and strategies and I’m so thankful the Lord led our paths to cross."
"Thank you for all you are doing to improve my ministry!"
"Thank you for the wonderful time and investment you had in mentoring me. I am thankful to have gained such insight. Thank you for all you do!"
"Thank you for teaching me how to lead, how to shepherd, how to recruit, and how to take Kids Ministry to the next level. Your knowledge and wisdom helped make our ministry stronger and will impact many families and future generations. Thank you for helping me to be better equipped for what God has called me to do. May God continue to use you to help children’s ministry leaders like me."
"I thank God for your investment in me!"
"In my new job I use a lot that you taught me during the mentoring program. Mostly how to deal with families."