Innovator of dynamic children's ministry
Mentor to children's ministry leaders
Advisor to architects, designers, builders
Children's Ministry Solutions
Children's Ministry Solutions
Children's Ministry Leadership Training
TNL is a premier, comprehensive training experience for children’s ministry leaders. This 10-12 hour event can be presented as a 2-day live training event for the kidmin leaders in your city (greatly reducing your cost), or a private retreat for your church team. Or, you might prefer a video conference format (Zoom, etc.), focusing on one or more topics per week. TNL can be customized to your specific needs, budget, and calendar. Topics include:
Taking Your Children's Ministry LEADERSHIP to the NEXT LEVEL
Four Biggest Challenges Children's Ministers Face
Five Decisions Your Church Faces Regarding Children
Six Best Opportunities to Reach Un-Churched Families
Seven Key Ingredients for a Dynamic, Effective Children’s Ministry
Eight Ways Children's Ministry Is Changing in the U.S.
Evaluating, Adjusting, and Strengthening Your Leadership Style
Building An Army of Passionate, Committed Volunteers
Selecting the Right Leadership Team (Who Does What?)
How to WIN at Recruiting Volunteers
Interviewing Potential Volunteers (Do's and Don'ts)
Taking Your Children's MINISTRY to the NEXT LEVEL
Child Evangelism from Infant to Preteen
Children and Christianity: What the Research Says
Four Stages of Spiritual Development
Practical Steps for Leading Children to Become Christ-Followers
Talking to Children About God
Signs That a Child Is Ready to Follow Jesus
Signs That a Child Is NOT Ready
Children, Baptism, and Spiritual Growth
Biggest Mistakes Churches and Parents Make
How Society Is Impacting Today's Child
What Every Child Needs When He Steps On Your Campus
Creating (and Sustaining) Child-Friendly Environments
Tips for Most Effective Programming and Scheduling Results